Everyone wants to be free. Everyone at some point in their lives want to do what they want to do. People want to work not to be over work to the point that they can't enjoy themselves, family and friends. Lately, people are seeking to work-at-home. Mothers, fathers, retirees, and grand parents are seeking better ways to enjoy themselves. Traditional 9-5, and constant overtime does not seem to cut it for people anymore. Today, many people are getting wise to the hustle and grind of making some one else rich. People are realizidng that working for someone else does is not working. Like myself, and others worked hard for over 20 years are disappointed with receiving the gold watch, certificates, and plaques. The rewards of working over 20 years with a pension that can't even help pay with the rent or mortgages. Although many people receive their social security along with their pension, people find themselves w...