Of Course Some Gratitude
So, in regards to the Cracker Jack Set's idea, it a way of doing something nice. A free hat or gloves to long with a coat or a vest. A give -away, prize or a gift that is always appreciated by the consumer. Maybe, a free coat to show appreciation for patronage. Or maybe a free set of headphones. Or better yet, why not a free phamplet that will help save on your next cruise!!! Anything to say thank you! Of course, there are some rules that may apply. Just like when you go to the nail salon or any department store, the number of times you make a purchase. For instance, some stores give you a card that has your own unique number on it that identify who you are. When you submit the card, that has the store name and logo you get credit. After so many times of purchase, you either get cash back or a free gift. ...