It's Terry again! Do you remember the last post, when I shared the following:
  •  I had nothing on me to protect me.  I didn't even had a whistle, pepper spray or mace.  I was scared!  I had lived my whole life in my neighborhood for 45 years.  I have walked my dog in the same  neighborhood,  just around the corner where I live for 5 years!  I always felt safe.  And this happens?  Man oh Man!  I tell you there is nothing worse than living in fear and feeling hopeless  or violated.
  •           After the ordeal, I couldn't even go to work.  I called in sick.  I went to the police station to file a criminal report.  I looked at mug shots after mug shots and couldn't identified anyone.  I was so pissed off.  I mean, this guy grabbed me by my pants, put me in a choke hold.  He  snatched my gold bracelets.  I stopped walking my dog.  I paid some one to walk my dog.  I went to therapy because anyone wearing a hood as far as I know was dangerous.  
          I am sharing this story because I don't want you to have to experience the same trauma as I did.  I don't want you not to have to put your head up or not having something to ward off your potential attackers.  Today, every one needs some type of self defense device, especially females.  If only I knew what I known back then that there were such things as lipstick tasers or cell phone  and small stun guns that also have its' own case.  These  are states where it is legal to have self defense mechanism such as stung guns and tasers.    For these reasons, I decided to do something about walking in my own neigborhool living in  fear and feeling hopeless.

Well reading a blog " I will Never Run Alonge Again: A Survivor's Story" by Lindsey Emery, updated March 2016, shared how Sheri- Ball Garcia did not see her perpetrator crouched beside a guard rail. Like me Sheri been running on the Honoapiilani Highway moving in the direction of Lahaina in Maui.  As fate would take it, in 1992, Sheri's perpertrator weighing 220lbs. grabbed her by her aim,  spinning her around making her completely disoriented.

The perpetrator punched in the face and broke her nose. Then he grabbed her by her elbows and flung her over the guard rail out of traffic site. Unfortunately, Sheri's ponytail was used against her as he held on it ightly and conitunously bashed her face into the rock for three and four minutes.  The perpetrator sexually assaults her and tells Sheri " I'm going to f---k you and kill you.  She pleads fo her lfe and tells him she wo small children as he puldown his pants to his ankles.  Sheri knowingly can't run but has enough strenght to dive in the water of the beach which was 8 feet away and did not stop swimming until she reached a buoy.

Sheri screams were heard by a young who lived not too far thinking it was some type of car accident where she was attacked. The boy called 911.  It was pure rush of adenaline that gave Sheri enough strenght to swim bac to shore.  A police officer sees Sheri and passes out when he sees her.  Sheri suffered 13 fractures to her skull, 7 fracetures to her nose, and two front teeth knowcked out.
Just as I, Sheri suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety.  Sheri could not do anything on her own and her marriage suffered leading to a divorce.

I want you to ask yourself these question:

  • Do I know of someone, particularly a female who was severely hurt or killed  jogging in a neighborhood  park for years where she grew up?
  • Do I know of or even heard of a women being raped and left for dead by a pediphile?
  • Do I know of or even heard of a women lucky to be alive from wanton behaviors by pepertrator or pepertrators as she walked alone or jogged in the same neighborhood where she lived for years?
  • Many states such as Arkansas, Alaska, Illinois, Maine, Georgia, Idaho, Florida, California, Connecticut (for buisness/home), Mississippi, New Hampshire, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania,  New Jersey, Colarado, Nebreska, Oregon, Vermont, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, New Orleans, Louisana and Oklahoma you are legally entitled to have stun guns, and taser for protection.  

  • If you click on, and go to the electronic  section, you will see what self-defense devices  are available. You will see how undetected your protective device can possibly save your life!  Some of the devices that can possibly save your life look like these;
    You don't have to be afraid walking alone all the time. Take one!

Terry Jerry & Guys



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