Of course, there is a controversy about whether or not consumers should take many of the side-effects prescribed medications that is constantly sublimally be forced down our throats by pharmaceutical conglomerates.  Let's not forget the fact that not only do prescribed medications or opioids is being endorsed by various medical health professionals and professions but also by the Food and Drug Administration, FDA.  The FDA has been appointed as "thee authority" regarding is there enough clinical trials to support entry in people's medicine cabinets.
The problem with the premise, FDA should remain being "thee authority" in deciding whether or not opioids should flood many of the medical health professions arena and consumer's medicine cabinets in fact is a conflict of interest.  What makes the FDA's position a conflict of interest is the established financial involvment with major manufacture medical companies or pharmaceutical industries, promotes  and provokes discovery of new opioids.  '

Jason Hoffman Thrillist illustration of a man receiving pills from a pharmaceutical ad Because of this, it is a win-win  for all to beneift monetary gain for doctors, mental health professionals, and  psychiatrists.  Approved patent opioids/medications not only floods our communities' foundation but seemingly it's never ending.  Consented opioids that are patent is pushed even in our telecommunication's devices.   Telecommunication devices  that we possessed  such as televisions, cellphones, and  computers are paid advertisements that is geared to persuade us to use the "best thing since the sliced of bread".   Programming consumers's minds is easy especially when using authoritative figures.

Getting a fake doctor's note from a doctor just doesn't work.

          Convincing consumers is definitely easy to convince when authoriative figures are portrayed as experts.  For instance, medical doctors and mental health nurses who are license to administer medications are dressed in white as a sense of pureness, righteousness and hope.  Psychologist, and  mental health counsellors, etc. are dressed in business attire and trained to speak in authority voice jargon to prove they are experts in determing whether or not indivuals need medication implementing standardized tests.  But, of course, who would ever doubt the "word" of these trusted figures who is look upon as God given saviors.  Yes, consumers are  programmed to take addictive legalized drugs regardless what it does to their bodies and brains.        

With all these evidence before you, this is proof that pharmaceuticals establishments will do whatever it takes to establish financial gains. Sadly, natural medications or herbal medicine is not widely recognized or accepted by authoritative figures due to not being able to patent such herbal properties. Slowly, the FDA has approved CBD in pill form. This discovery known as Epidiolex is only to benefit the manufacturers of this new discovery and the FDA. Everybody gets paid. But, what about having natural herbs like medical cannabis also known by many names such as marijuana, and hemp that is not on the track with the FDA? Is it fair for consumers be denied of CBD natural form without additives. Is it fair for consumers to be denied the right to purchase CBD that is a strain from marijuana sativa plant having no more than 0.03% legal THC amount for direct sellers to help people in need of the medicinal marijuna, CBD? Change The Future Outcome, CTFO, like many other direct sellers who soley interest is to help people who are suffering in pain from many ailments like, cancer, epileptic seizures, back pain, fibromyaglia, and Parkinson Disease.  CTFO strongly believes that people have the right to choose alternative medicine that does not have side effects leaning towards damaging  major organs or the brain.  CTFO also is adament about distributing legal CBD to the public to stop people from suffering.  When reviewing this videos, you will witness concerns of the power of CBD by doctors 

It is simply amazing how it took years for American health professional to engulf the benefits of CBD Oil.  It is astonishing in how nearly all 50 states have come to grips how essential, potent, and power CBD is as an alternative use for many of today's ailments.  In addition to, the necessity for Americans to lean towards natural herbal medicinal products that been around for century.  How, it is imperative for consumers young and old realize that the minimum side-effects out weigh the side-effects of many legalized prescription meds where the outcome possibly leads to death.  We at would like to share the opportunity to be part of our consumer base and would like for you to share this information with family and friends.


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